Office Desk Drawer Staples

Ah the glamorous life of the work-from-office mom…run around like a complete crazy person every morning getting everybody dressed, fed, lunches packed, backpacks ready, you presentable, coffee poured, temper-tantrum calmed, and, and, and… It’s no wonder that we’re the first to ignore our needs to get everybody else out the door! A lot of the time this ends up looking like the drive-thru at Starbucks and rolling up to the office without a plan to fuel your day.

Is this you? I get it!

This is why I make sure my office desk drawer is stocked with nutrient-dense but non-perishable foods. An annoying colleague wait until noon to schedule a 1:00 meeting (again) that will ruin your chances of going out to get lunch? Nope! I got oatmeal and protein powder on hand. Client drama spike mid-morning? Nope! I’m ready to conquer with almonds, cashews, tuna packets and beef jerky!

I bring my breakfast and lunch to the office everyday built around my “drawer staples” but when life gets in the way, I can still eat when hunger strikes.

My office desk drawer jam packed with nutrient-dense snacks so I can honor my hunger with intuitive eating throughout the day.

Here is a list of all my favorite snacks that I either always or sometimes keep in my drawer at work. Some are intentionally heartier than others so I can make into a meal if I absolutely have to. Remember, this is simply a fall-back plan and not your main fuel for the day.

Favorite Office Desk Drawer Staples

  • Amazing Grass protein powder packs (my usual at-home brand is Orgain, but I feel like Amazing Grass blends so easy with just water and a shaker cup that this is my at-work brand for when I have no choice but to make this a meal.)
  • Starkish Tuna Packets (add this with some crackers or whole grain chips and you’re set!)
  • Gluten-free oatmeal packets
  • Orgain Collagen Peptides (I like to enjoy in the afternoons with decaf tea)
  • Liquid Stevia (Because let’s be real, offices only ever have Splenda)
  • Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts (Add this to oatmeal, salads, etc. to get extra fat and protein.)
  • Dry Roasted Almonds
  • Dry Roasted Cashews
  • GoMacro Bars
  • Gluten-free granola
  • Beef Sticks
  • Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers (on their own or pair with tuna packets)
  • Multigrain chips like Food Should Taste Good or Trader Joe’s Veggie & Flaxseed Chips
  • Herbal and/or decaf tea
  • Coffee kCups (If your office has a kCup machine but no good flavors)
  • LaCroix (my former colleague often kept a case under her desk!)

What are some of your favorite office desk-drawer staples?

Meridith Oram is an anti-diet nutritionist at Love Yourself Towards Healthy where she helps chronic dieters heal their relationship with food, fitness and body image by ditching diet culture and finding freedom in their God-given intuition. Focusing on behavioral change and Intuitive Eating, Meridith helps her clients unlearn diet culture, stop negative self-talk and set wellness goals---not appearance goals. Follow Meridith at @loveyourself2healthy on all social channels.

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