How to Lose Weight in January New Years Resolution Blog

Why ‘Lose Weight Starting in January’ Doesn’t Work

‘Lose weight starting in January‘ might be the most common new year’s resolution. But if it’s as easy as diet companies make it out to be, then why do we begin every new year believing a new fad diet will be the fastest way to weight loss? Instead of a new lifestyle program, what if

An article by anti-diet nutritionist, Meridith Oram Blog

Wellness Goals to Set & Practice

Wellness goals should have nothing to do with weight loss. I know that might sound surprising because it goes against diet culture’s narrative. But true health is based in how your body functions and how you feel. Health and wellness has nothing to do with how you look. Keep reading to learn 4 wellness goals

Why You should Quit dieting with intuitive eating to improve your health. Blog

Quit Dieting for Good

What’s the worst that could happen if you quit dieting? Would it be the fear of weight gain? Or feeling out of control around food? Would you feel like you were giving up on yourself? Keep reading to learn how dieting negatively impacts your health. How you can start taking control of what, when and

It can feel like Intuitive Eating Not Work or that Intuitive Eating Doesn't Work when you ignore these 3 aspects of it Blog

Intuitive Eating Not Working? Here’s Why.

Is intuitive eating not working for you? Or you think intuitive eating doesn’t work in general? In this article, I explain the 3 most common reasons why intuitive eating isn’t working for you…yet! There are some important nuances that often go missed when people try to eat intuitively on their own. So they give up

Woman judging other woman for her food choices and talking about her latest diet trend to lose weight. Title overlay of How to Deal with Weight Loss-Obsessed Friends. Blog

Dealing with Weight Loss-Obsessed Friends

“My friends are obsessed with weight loss and dieting! I’m starting to become an intuitive eater, but they’re constantly talking about their latest diet or how they need to lose weight. What can I do or say to get them to stop?” I’ve gotten variations of this question 3 times in the past 24 hours!

Meridith Oram is an Anti-Diet Nutritionist, intuitive eating coach, and disordered eating recovery Blog

What is an Anti-Diet Nutritionist?

An anti-diet nutritionist rejects any diet/lifestyle program, product or messaging that promotes intentional weight/fat loss, creates rules or restrictions around food and exercise, and/or suggests you can’t be healthy unless you look a certain way. So how the heck did I go from being fully immersed in diet culture, to now being an anti-diet nutritionist?

Intuitive Eating is Blog

Intuitive Eating is Food Freedom

Food Freedom is a term that restrictive diets like Whole30 try to hijack. But food freedom really only applies to intuitive eating. You have a God-Given Intuition People who honor their God-given intuition—and wholly trust their natural cues to properly nourish their body—have food freedom. But if you’re on a diet, you’re restricted to the

Diet culture tools including measuring tape and food diary Blog

Dieting is a False Sense of Control

Dieting gave me a false sense of control. Every time my life felt chaotic, I would recommit. The food planning and tracking felt purposeful. Even empowering. Being told exactly what to do is grounding when you feel like you’re flailing in life. Is it the goal to lose weight or the sense of control for


Lifestyles are Diets with Better Marketing

The most innovation that has evolved diets over the years is simply a change in name to lifestyles. Not method, nor purpose. Because the investments that have been poured into each program has not been for better science. It’s been for better marketing. Better marketing that is so good. It convinces intelligent, successful women that


Triggered by Anti-Diet & Intuitive Eating Posts?

You’re angry at yourself. Once again, the pants don’t fit. Once again, the scale is showing a higher number. Once again, you’ll have to restart that diet. You ignore your hunger by scrolling through social media. You stumble upon an anti-diet post saying that Intuitive Eating is unlearning diet culture and reconnecting with our intuition,


Facts to Combat Diet Culture in 2021

Diet culture loves the new year. And 2021 will be no exception. January is the main month they launch new rounds of tired programs. Diet ads and fitness influencers will not only rely on their messaging variations of “you’re fat, you need to fix yourself” standbys. But diet culture in 2021 will add in the

How to delete MyFitnessPal (or other food tracking apps) blog featured photo Blog

3 Ways to Ween Off MyFitnessPal Food Tracking App

Weening off (and finally deleting) MyFitnessPal food tracking app was the HARDEST part of my intuitive eating journey. But realizing the extent of my obsession with it made me fully accept that I had an eating disorder. Even after I stopped carb cycling, I would come up with every excuse as to why I needed

How to shut down negative thoughts after being triggered by a before/after photo Blog

Why Before and After Photos Should Be Banned

While the majority of Before and After photos are posted to sell a diet program’s results, sometimes Before and After photos are posted with relatively good intentions. Someone set a goal for their body and they’re celebrating progress towards their appearance goals. In either case, the intentions don’t actually matter because Before and After photos

Woman at the beach enjoying food freedom now that she's recovered from disordered eating Blog

What Does Recovering from Chronic Dieting Look Like?

While the path and journey of recovering from chronic dieting look different for everyone, it ultimately comes down to loving yourself towards healthy instead of hating yourself towards skinny. And what that really means is not depriving yourself of food or using fitness as punishment for what you ate (or what you’re about to eat.)

Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch is an anti-diet approach to eating Blog

What is Intuitive Eating?

If diets didn’t exist, intuitive eating would just be called ‘eating.’ God created our bodies to have the natural ability to thrive on its own. But because diet culture does exist, we’ve normalized disordered eating behaviors. We allow external rules to override our body’s natural ability. And so once we realize diet culture doesn’t serve

Ditch the Diet & Gain Wellness Blog

Ditch Diet Culture & Gain Wellness

I help women ditch diet culture and gain wellness by reclaiming their God-given intuition around food, fitness and body image. When you join my email list, you receive valuable tips and insight right in your inbox. I send weekly encouragement on topics such as: how to ditch diet culture, intuitive eating, the anti-diet movement, Health-At-Every-Size,

FASTer Way is the epitome of diet culture pretending to be a health lifestyle Blog

Why I Stopped Tracking Macros

For several years, I felt tracking my macros in MyFitnessPal based on daily gram goals I set for protein, fat and carbohydrates was the healthiest approach to fat loss. Why? I believed macro tracking, carb cycling, and pairing my workouts to my nutrition would result in weight loss and muscle gain. And it worked! …


Office Desk Drawer Staples

Ah the glamorous life of the work-from-office mom…run around like a complete crazy person every morning getting everybody dressed, fed, lunches packed, backpacks ready, you presentable, coffee poured, temper-tantrum calmed, and, and, and… It’s no wonder that we’re the first to ignore our needs to get everybody else out the door! A lot of the

Anti-Diet Nutritionist Meridith Oram Blog

What is a Certified Health Coach?

A Certified Health Coach is someone who has successfully passed a nationally-recognized board exam after completing an extensive study in nutrition, fitness, behavioral science, and stress management. For me, there was no doubt in my mind that I would need to become a Certified Health Coach. I want to provide the best services to my


BMI Scale is a Joke.

The BMI Scale is a joke. It has inaccurately mislabeled Americans for decades, and now science is finally catching up to what many of us fitness professional have said for so long: it is a greatly flawed assessment of health. Last week, LA Times reporter, Amina Kahn, wrote “a new study from UCLA finds that some