the healthiest item to order at Starbucks Blog

Order What You Actually Want

On a beautiful Fall afternoon, I went into my local Starbucks to order a grande chai tea latte to enjoy during my son’s baseball game. While standing in line, the college-aged girl socially distanced in front of me was up to order. Calories over Desires “What has less calories: a grande pumpkin spice latte or

All 6 facets of wellness must be balanced. Weight loss does not automatically mean good health. Blog

Actual Health Goals

Dieting focuses on two goals only: weight loss and inches lost. Both are related to altering your appearance and have nothing to do with actual health goals (despite what diet culture will tell you.) I get it. I used to think shrinking my body was the only goal that mattered too. I was able to

The top 10 signs you're a chronic dieter Blog

Signs You’re a Chronic Dieter

Below are 10 signs you’re a chronic dieter. Take this as a quiz and answer “yes” or “no” to each item. You might discover that your dieting behaviors are causing you to be more unhealthy! If you do 1 or more of these things, you’re likely a chronic dieter. If you do more than 2

Woman at the beach enjoying food freedom now that she's recovered from disordered eating Blog

What Does Recovering from Chronic Dieting Look Like?

While the path and journey of recovering from chronic dieting look different for everyone, it ultimately comes down to loving yourself towards healthy instead of hating yourself towards skinny. And what that really means is not depriving yourself of food or using fitness as punishment for what you ate (or what you’re about to eat.)

Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch is an anti-diet approach to eating Blog

What is Intuitive Eating?

If diets didn’t exist, intuitive eating would just be called ‘eating.’ God created our bodies to have the natural ability to thrive on its own. But because diet culture does exist, we’ve normalized disordered eating behaviors. We allow external rules to override our body’s natural ability. And so once we realize diet culture doesn’t serve

FASTer Way is the epitome of diet culture pretending to be a health lifestyle Blog

Why I Stopped Tracking Macros

For several years, I felt tracking my macros in MyFitnessPal based on daily gram goals I set for protein, fat and carbohydrates was the healthiest approach to fat loss. Why? I believed macro tracking, carb cycling, and pairing my workouts to my nutrition would result in weight loss and muscle gain. And it worked! …


Office Desk Drawer Staples

Ah the glamorous life of the work-from-office mom…run around like a complete crazy person every morning getting everybody dressed, fed, lunches packed, backpacks ready, you presentable, coffee poured, temper-tantrum calmed, and, and, and… It’s no wonder that we’re the first to ignore our needs to get everybody else out the door! A lot of the

people over-exercising on the treadmill for faster weight loss Blog

Over-Exercising Causes Stress and Weight Gain

You may think over-exercising will bring you to your weight loss goals sooner. But did you know that over-exercising actually causes stress to your body? And that a stressed out body retains fat for protection which ultimately causes weight gain? Over-exercising may be more common than you think. The “Never Miss a Workout” mentality can


3 Sneaky Gym Injuries

You know that nagging injury you got, but you have no idea how? You might chalk it up to sleeping wrong, or getting old. Maybe it was during that intense fitness class you took last week. Or it could be from one of these 3 sneaky ways you’re getting injuries at the gym. For the

Anti-Diet Nutritionist Meridith Oram Blog

What is a Certified Health Coach?

A Certified Health Coach is someone who has successfully passed a nationally-recognized board exam after completing an extensive study in nutrition, fitness, behavioral science, and stress management. For me, there was no doubt in my mind that I would need to become a Certified Health Coach. I want to provide the best services to my


BMI Scale is a Joke.

The BMI Scale is a joke. It has inaccurately mislabeled Americans for decades, and now science is finally catching up to what many of us fitness professional have said for so long: it is a greatly flawed assessment of health. Last week, LA Times reporter, Amina Kahn, wrote “a new study from UCLA finds that some