How to delete MyFitnessPal (or other food tracking apps) blog featured photo Blog

3 Ways to Ween Off MyFitnessPal Food Tracking App

Weening off (and finally deleting) MyFitnessPal food tracking app was the HARDEST part of my intuitive eating journey. But realizing the extent of my obsession with it made me fully accept that I had an eating disorder. Even after I stopped carb cycling, I would come up with every excuse as to why I needed

How to shut down negative thoughts after being triggered by a before/after photo Blog

Why Before and After Photos Should Be Banned

While the majority of Before and After photos are posted to sell a diet program’s results, sometimes Before and After photos are posted with relatively good intentions. Someone set a goal for their body and they’re celebrating progress towards their appearance goals. In either case, the intentions don’t actually matter because Before and After photos

Is stress eating or emotional ever okay? Know the signs for concern. Blog

Is Stress Eating Ever Okay?

Have you been stress eating or emotionally eating this past week? That’s okay—you’re normal! Instead of feeling disappointed in yourself though, you should consider what may have triggered you to stress eat. Read more to learn what stress eating is. When it’s okay. And when it’s a signal for help. There are typically 2 stress

Stuck on the fence? How to get over the green pastures of food freedom. Blog

5 Signs You’re Stuck Between Dieting and Food Freedom

There’s a frustrating, murky middle between dieting and food freedom. I believe the majority of women who have spent years chronic dieting must past through this low valley before they can begin their intuitive eating journey to food freedom. I remember how scared I was to give up carb cycling and intermittent fasting. Part of

Eat by time; not by hunger. Blog

Intermittent Fasting Destroyed My Hunger Cues

When I began my intuitive eating journey, I really struggled with feeling my hunger. Because after 3+ years of Intermittent Fasting, I had destroyed my hunger cues. Intermittent Fasting has become a socially-accepted way to not eat when you’re hungry. To instead define a certain period of time, known as an “eating window,” where you

diet mentality vs non-diet mentality breakdown of questions to ask yourself. Blog

Diet Mentality vs Non-Diet Mentality

Imagine you’re standing in your pantry deciding what to have for a snack. Your eyes fall on a bag of cookies. “Oooh those look good!” you think to yourself. Do you eat them? Let’s find out! You will ultimately make your food selection based on if you have a diet mentality or a non-diet mentality.

Oram Family Photo September 2020 Blog

I Trained Him to Enable My Disordered Eating

Once you get married or in a serious relationship, you disordered eating impacts more than just you and your body. It affects your relationships. This is my story of the moment I realized I trained my husband to enable my disordered eating. Lunch for everyone. But me. It was around noon and we were planning

the healthiest item to order at Starbucks Blog

Order What You Actually Want

On a beautiful Fall afternoon, I went into my local Starbucks to order a grande chai tea latte to enjoy during my son’s baseball game. While standing in line, the college-aged girl socially distanced in front of me was up to order. Calories over Desires “What has less calories: a grande pumpkin spice latte or

All 6 facets of wellness must be balanced. Weight loss does not automatically mean good health. Blog

Actual Health Goals

Dieting focuses on two goals only: weight loss and inches lost. Both are related to altering your appearance and have nothing to do with actual health goals (despite what diet culture will tell you.) I get it. I used to think shrinking my body was the only goal that mattered too. I was able to


I Let My Diet Culture BS Impact My Kids

While I confidently practice Intuitive Eating now, I still have moments where I realize how far my recovery has come. And how much I let my diet culture BS impact my kids. I restricted my kids from treats. Yesterday I went grocery shopping. I had Oreos on my list (which had already been a huge